Work Experience:

Principal Software Engineer >> Avid Technology

Notable Projects

Notable shipped features that I began as innovative skunkworks projects.
  1. Custom Keyboard Shortcuts for Pro Tools
    • Developed a customizable keyboard shortcut system for Pro Tools, enabling user-defined key bindings for over 1,000 commands.
    • Overcame technical challenges deemed insurmountable by the most senior Avid engineers, delivering a highly desirable feature.
  2. Dark Theme for Pro Tools
    • Directed and executed a complete redesign of the Pro Tools user interface, to introduce a modern, neon-themed appearance with extensive customization capabilities.
    • Created a shader based image management system for over 5,000 images and 500 colors to enable rapid modifications by the artistic team.
  3. Pro Tools Tutorial Engine
    • Designed and implemented an internal tutorial editor within Pro Tools to allow quick creation and deployment of user facing tutorials by designers and product managers.
    • Enhanced user learning experience, directly improving user engagement and satisfaction.
  4. Accessibility Enhancements
    • Worked with our visually impaired user group to identify and address over a dozen accessibility issues.
    • Developed a Pro Tools command launcher built specifically with accessibility in mind.
  5. Flex UI
    • Developed a system that allows quick much quicker and more flexible UI developement within Pro Tools
    • UI system automatically handled translations, font changes, and very rapid prototyping.

Built working alongside the exceptionally talented Daisuke "Dice" Naito

Notable Skills

  1. C++
    • Feature development and bug fixing in a massive C++ codebase (more than 100,000 code files)
    • Frequent code reviews, discussion of code quality, and efforts to improve quality across the Pro Tools team.
  2. Javascript / React / Node JS
    • Built a custom react / node js server component that I wove into our build pipeline
  3. Creative Leadership
    • Innovated new creative solutions to long standing problems that had plagued Pro Tools for years.
    • Created proposals, gave presentations, and built prototypes to show the value of my ideas.


  1. Avid recognition
    • Recieved company wide should outs for my creativity, dedication and innovation on Pro Tools Dark Theme, and other creative projects.
  2. Industry Recognition
    • My work on Custom Keyboard Shortcuts has been called a "game changer" by top producers in the music industry
    • My work on the custom command launcher was also called out as game changer by leaders of the blind music community
  3. Pro Tools Visibility
Work Experience
Personal Projects
Volunteer Work